The Children's Sefer Torah, in honor of your child's Brit Milah image

The Children's Sefer Torah, in honor of your child's Brit Milah

Help bring the joy of a new baby in partaking in the writing of the PUAH Children's SeferTorah

$3,462 raised

$100,000 goal

Choose your own amount


We have been taught that each and every Jew has a letter in the Torah which corresponds to his or hers soul and spiritual identity. Just as each letter is an essential part of the Torah, so too each and every Jew is of utmost importance and constitutes an essential and integral part of Klal Yisroel, the Jewish People.

Together, let us build and support new generations of healthy Jewish children and keep the flame of Torah alive.


Sefer Torah $54,000

Atzei Chayim and Silver Breastplate $18,000

Sefer of Chumash $10,000 (5 available)

10 Hadibrot $5,000 per set (2 sets)

First Sentence of the Torah $3,600 (sold)

Shema $1,800

Birkat Kohanim $1,800

Day of Creation $1,800 (7 available)

Torah portion $1,000