Let's Celebrate the New Year by Giving the Gift of Life image

Let's Celebrate the New Year by Giving the Gift of Life

$135,825 raised

$150,000 goal

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Sukkos. It’s the Yom Tov of joy and of gratitude!

Our family gathered around our Sukkah table, enjoying the closeness with each other, with Hashem, with our own true selves, fills our hearts to bursting.
If you have the zechus to enjoy the blessing of children and family, please take a moment to remember the thousands of couples still waiting for theirs.
Couples who will go into Sukkos and Simchat Torah trying once again to put a smile on their faces, to watch children dance on their father’s shoulders and pretend that everything’s fine.
For many of these couples, you can make the difference. Your support can help them greet next Sukkos with true simcha.
The Torah tells us that the true way to rejoice on Yom Tov is to remember the less fortunate.
When you open your heart wide to feel their searing pain and give generously, you will directly help a new Jewish baby be born. You will help fulfill their desperate prayers.

Donate Now.